When the little child heard these words from his stepmother during the wedding ceremony, he couldn’t help but get emotional


This couple decided to legalize their relationship. The honeymoon won’t go as planned because the newlyweds will have to go back to work.

They therefore made an effort to fit as many events within the limited period.

Anita prepared a special speech in particular for George, his child from his first marriage.

And it was a touching surprise for each and every person who attended the party.

After the customary rituals of vows and ring exchange, the bride—who is now a young wife—asked to speak.

‘I want you to be happy and achieve all of your goals. I hope you eventually understand what a unique boy you are.

You have helped me become the person I am now because you are so wise, lovely, and kind.

In spite of the fact that I did not give you the gift of life, I was given a gift by life.

Strong and the ultimate goal for a four-year-old child who was raised without a mother.

The sweetness of the scene caused even the dad to be emotional, let alone the guests who were surprised.

We have no doubt that this family will have a happy, loving future.

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