Mariska Hargitay, who rarely appears with her children, turned up at a Benefit Gala.
Her husband is an American actor named Hermann. They have two adopted children and one biological son.
After a difficult adoption procedure, the mother of three is no longer shy about showing off her kids.
Although this family dislikes being in the spotlight, they occasionally let their guard down. In a special interview, Mariska Hargitay discussed her family, demonstrating this.
She claimed to love being a mother to her three children, Amaya, Andrew, and August. “I’ve learned a lot from these kids,” she remarked. She added that the light guiding her is her husband, Peter Hermann.
In a rare appearance, the family attended the 2023 Stuttering Association Young Benefit Gala. Support was also provided by Mariska Hargitay and her attractive husband, Peter Hermann.
Even though the stars looked stunning, seeing their seldom-seen kids was even more enjoyable. When Hargitay and Hermann took the stage, three children trailed behind them. They attended the major occasion with their parents.
Hargitay’s thick brown hair was styled loosely, and she looked stunning in a pastel green wraparound dress. She smiled for the photo while holding her daughter Amaya’s shoulder. Amaya was dressed in a stunning flowery off-the-shoulder outfit. A young girl was standing next her older brother Andrew, who was wearing a suit similar to his father’s.
August, their eldest son, stood in the center of Mom and Dad. He had a broad smile on his face and was dressed in a blue long-sleeved t-shirt. His father wrapped his arms around his shoulders in affection. August was born in the year 2006. His brothers were adopted one after the other in 2010, five years later.
They are still together after eighteen years of marriage. Hermann is the spouse of the “Welcome to 18” celebrity. According to Hermann, the key to maintaining a long marriage is scheduling time for joy and laughter:
I never imagined that would happen again, but it made me laugh so hard. Mariska’s personification of happiness and laughing, as well as the actual laughter.
The Hargitay-Hermann family values creating joyful memories, therefore they make it a point to engage in a variety of enjoyable family-friendly activities.
However, the family’s life wasn’t always so pleasant. According to Hargitay, they encountered numerous issues throughout the adoption of both Andrew and Amaya.
Hargitay lost her mother while she was very young. She was largely reared by her father and stepmother. During this time, she had some half-siblings, which let her realize that there are other ways to create a family besides the conventional nuclear family.
Hermann proposed to her by getting down on one knee. A gorgeous, worn platinum band set with nine round diamonds was given to her by him. In 2004, they were married.
Hargitay emphasizes that adopting is not for the weak of heart by talking about the “devastating” experiences she and her spouse experienced.
Hargitay has always envisioned having more children in her household. She and her husband knew they wanted additional kids after she gave birth to their first son at the age of 42.
Hargitay has always known she wants to adopt, even though she was raised with a stepmother and half-siblings. This early maternal feeling she already had was reinforced by a family vacation to Thailand:
I recall witnessing children lying by themselves in the street when I was nine or ten years old while traveling through Thailand and India. Where were their mothers, I wondered?”I want to take them all home,” I recall thinking.
After meeting and marrying in 2004, these two decided to begin the adoption process. Nothing worked despite the couple’s five-hour home visit and many attempts:
“Some of the situations didn’t work out.”Strange as it may seem, however, the most crucial period for starting a family was also the most frustrating.
The couple’s feelings began to worsen as their hopes of adopting a child were repeatedly thwarted for a number of reasons, including the birthmother’s last-minute change of heart, which Hargitay characterizes as, to put it mildly, “painful.” However, they persevered and supported one another, which allowed them to prevail in the end.
The Hargitay-Hermann family welcomed Amaya Josephine Hermann a few weeks prior to her scheduled birth in the United States. When the newborn girl was born, Hargitay and her husband were overjoyed and instantly fell in love. Andrew Nicolas, her baby brother, joined the group four or six months later. His birth was delayed by two months.
Andrew was unexpected because they believed they were done adopting children. When their lawyer contacted again to inquire whether they were still interested, they were still unable to refuse. What August, his protective older brother, thought about the entire situation, according to his devoted mother:
“August believes he came up with this whole thing!” When he declared, “I want a baby sister,” Amaya arrived. “I want a baby brother,” he said, and Andrew arrived. August has a really positive and powerful vibe!
Since they are the heads of their own family, it is obvious that Hargitay and Hermann value creating a family built on love, joy, and acceptance of all cultures. The way they raise their children reveals a lot about them as individuals and as a pair.
Although he was born in New York, he spent his first ten years of life in Germany. He attended Yale University to learn and become an expert in English after returning to the United States. After that, he spent some time teaching English before changing careers and going into acting.
After discovering his passion, Hermann was cast as a guest in the second season of the critically acclaimed television series “Law & Order: SVU.” He met Hargitay there, who would go on to become his wife and a frequent guest on the show.
After meeting on set, the couple embarked on their first date. In 2004, they were married. When Hermann invited her to go to church with him on their first date, Hargitay claimed she knew instantly that he was the one for her:
“I was crying because I knew he was the one, but Peter thought I was crying because the service moved me so much.”
Hermann discusses his views in a slightly more philosophical manner when discussing the moment he realized Hargitay was the one for him. What Hermann says:
“It was like seeing someone who was now in the ground and dying to be planted there when I saw Mariska with all the people she loved around her.” “I wanted to be a part of that soil because there were so many people and so much love.”
Hermann proposed to her by getting down on one knee. A gorgeous, worn platinum band set with nine round diamonds was given to her by him. In 2004, they were married. They have been blissfully married ever since, and according to Hermann, the reason their marriage endures is because they consistently find a way to return to one another in both good and difficult times:
“We know we’re heading to the same place, but we can swing back and forth as many times as we want every day in this incredibly, wonderfully silly way.”
Hargitay and Hermann have created the ideal family with their three adorable children. They persevered and succeeded in the end, despite the fact that they had to confront challenges head-on while creating the family they desired.