Pierce Brosnan siempre apoya a su esposa, Keely. En su matrimonio, ha demostrado un firme compromiso y cariño, siendo un apoyo constante en todas las facetas de la vida de Keely.


There are many couples in Hollywood whose relationships do not withstand the test of time. It must be difficult to live under the spotlight, with the world and your spouse documenting every move, not to mention the criticism on social media. Pierce Brosnan is known for playing the ultimate seducer on screen and for acting alongside many beautiful top actresses. He is often described as a true Casanova. However, behind the scenes, he is a devoted family man and husband. The relationship that Bond star Pierce Brosnan maintains with his wife, journalist, author, and TV presenter Keely Shaye Smith, is one to aspire to. After more than a quarter-century together, the passionate duo still has eyes only for each other.

Their marriage shows that true love never fades, despite fame, age, and all the physical changes that come with it. Pierce and Keely have been best friends, partners, and lovers for nearly 30 years. The couple started dating in 1994 and married seven years later in 2001 in Ireland. They met when Keely was sent to interview Ted Danson and ended up teaming up with Pierce instead. Their first date was straight out of a romantic movie: they sat under the stars, held hands, and chatted until 3 AM with fireworks overhead and Kenny Loggins singing. Pierce immediately knew Keely was special, drawn to her vitality and passion. As he said, “I love her vitality, her passion. She has that strength without which I could not live. When Keely looks at me, I feel weak.


Originally, Pierce and Keely planned to marry in 2000, but the ceremony was postponed due to a traffic accident involving Pierce’s 16-year-old son, who suffered a spinal injury. Eventually, they had their dream wedding at Ashford Castle, a 13th-century Irish fortress, with 120 close friends and family. Pierce also arranged for intensive security to keep the media and public at bay.

The couple shares a passion for nature, working to combat whaling and marine destruction. They have two children together, born shortly after they began dating. Keely has balanced her career with raising their children and has also lovingly cared for Pierce’s children from his previous marriage to Cassandra Harris, who passed away from cancer in 1991. Before meeting Pierce, Keely had a career as a model and actress.

En los últimos años, el peso de Keely Shaye Smith ha sido objeto de muchos comentarios, especialmente en las revistas de chismes. Es evidente que ha ganado peso, lo que es completamente normal con el paso del tiempo. Algunos medios han especulado sobre problemas de salud, como la tiroides, pero Pierce Brosnan sigue encontrando a su esposa tan bella como siempre. A pesar de los crueles ataques de trolls en las redes sociales debido a su cambio físico, Pierce nunca ha dejado de mostrar su admiración por ella. En sus palabras, Keely es una mujer «apasionada» que lo hace sentir «débil en las rodillas».

A pesar de las especulaciones en los tabloides, Pierce siempre ha sido un esposo fiel y devoto, desmintiendo cualquier rumor sobre infidelidades. En público, suelen mostrarse cariñosos, tomados de la mano o compartiendo besos, dejando claro que su amor sigue intacto. En lugar de someterse a las presiones de la apariencia física que afectan a muchas en Hollywood, Keely se mantiene auténtica y segura de sí misma, lo que Pierce aprecia profundamente. Él ha declarado en varias ocasiones que nunca encontraría a una mujer tan buena como Keely, reafirmando su compromiso y amor incondicional por ella.


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